the blood circulation machine(b.c.m), a uniquely designed machine for health, and fitness, weight lossbenefits. improves detoxification facilitates weight loss and
bloodcirculation, cut cellulite increases human growth hormone (hgh) builds bonedensity & fights osteoporosis increase muscle strength & performance.increases human growth hormone (hgh) this machine is a revolution in healthfitness, medical, resettlement, sports, wellness and beauty. if used for daythree times 10 min for one week, it will gamut and potentialize muscles, improvespringiness joint and bone solidity, deficiency stress levels, age ofregardless.
quickly improve your blood circulation
• prevent high blood pressure and low bloodpressure, removes acid lactic & acid uric.
• relax tiredness, improve insomnia
• frees up tight joints and organs
• get give up of arthrosis rheumatismand nerves wrinkle
• ease pains in the neck andshoulder, waist pain improve the decline of cool hand & feet and anaesthesia
• improve the chronic diseases lungbronchitis, diabetes
benefits of blood circulation machine improvement of circulation in helical way balances of immune groovebalances of endocrine groove strengthen perturbate system strengthenmusculo-skeletal system bone increases density strengthen gastrointestinal system
b.increase fitness, muscle strength performance & benefits. reductionrecovery time. remove acid lactic from muscles. weight loss accelerate. bonebuilds fights osteoporosis & density.
c.facilitates beauty benefits and weight loss accelerate. increases (smootherskin). reduce cellulite helps. body muscles tightens. localise fatburning.
blood circulation machine (bcm) price - 5500