the wave3 program is an easy way toearn lot of great bonuses with tripleclicks. the starter kit itself is free.just pay $1.95 shipping and handling. you get a tripleclicks bumper sticker andsome business cards.
connectto my link for wave and get good reward, authentic and legitimate. join withbelow link.
wave3is personal referral network by tricpleclicks. basically, tripleclicks pays yout-credit and mrp because you helped in spreading the word about tripleclicks.you will do this by placing a decal to your car.
theprocess is simple:
firstregister and order free (does not include shipping) w3 starter kit. second,affix the decal to your car.
third,upload or email the photo of you and your car. starter kit is free; just payonly one time $1.95 shipping and handling. select images of new car w3.
helpus spread the world about tripleclicks and receive: 5 free monthly t-credit and50 mrp and win $100 in our weekly wave3 cash drawing!
everyweek, we award $250 cash to a w3 member who has referred some to w3. eachreferral gets you another entry in the drawing!